Le Carrefour Zen organizes weekly workshops, hikes and mountain bike rides in the surrounding forests of Benslimane accessible on foot. Come and enjoy a trip in the middle of nature with Nicolas and Bruno.
The Carrefour Zen organizes weekly workshops, hikes and mountain bike rides within its structure and outside; in theforestsneighboringBenslimaneaccessible on foot. We provide about twenty mountain bikes and practice the following activities supervised by Nicolas and Bruno, our two mountain bike professionals:
The mountain bike circuit on our dirt tracks (1km of track and obstacles)
Mountain biking initiation for beginners
Circuit in the neighboring plains and forests for beginners and experienced
Mountain biking is an excellent sport for developing yourconcentration, hermotor skills, hissense of directionand somerigor, while nurturing his taste fornaturecrossing the magnificentreliefs and landscapesneighbours.